Very Very Unlikely. You would have to cut the person with HIV and then immediately cut yourself with the same razor. HIV can only live outside the human body for a few seconds to a minute so just make sure you clean things well and be careful. You stand a bigger risk from hepatitis than HIV and even that is too remote a posibility to mention.Can I get infected with HIV at the salon (hairdresser)?
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if the razor has been properly sterilised, no. if no HIV blood got on the razor in the first place, also no.
I believe it's possible, but highly unlikely. If you are getting shaved with a straight razor, the barber should be cleaning and disinfecting the blade between uses.
If they use the same razor on all their clients without sterilizing it there is a chance you could get HIV if it ever cut someone else who had it. My advice would be to go somewhere where the employees always wear gloves and they throw out their razors after each use.
yes if da razor is from a person who is infected with HIV and da razor isn't cleaned
Yes, from unsterilized instruments which could have been contaminated by blood from cuts and which could out of carelessness be used again for someone else, especially if is immediately.
Theoretically one could get infected with HIV if the hairdresser reused a razor that was previously used on a HIV +ve individual. But nowadays no one reuses the razor blades, so I dont think it should be a cause for worry. Just ensure that your hairdresser uses a new razor if you are worried about this.
ya. its a great risk
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