Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do i tell my hairdresser for this haircut (pic)?

http://chicstories.com/wp-content/upload鈥?/a>What do i tell my hairdresser for this haircut (pic)?
side swept bangs

long choppy layers

print out the picWhat do i tell my hairdresser for this haircut (pic)?
bring the picture to her

and if you want the darker lowlighted hair underneath the blonde tell her

be specific

my hair dresser doesnt mind because i know she knows mroe than me but she still listens to what you want no matter how she thinks it would look another way.

bring the picture

point out all of the details

and it will be exactly how you want it

also dont be afraid to mention something when shes done if you want to change it up!
bring the picture. say side bangs to the right. layers. keep it longer under.
probably bring the picture it's not like it weighs a ton.
print out the picture and show her.
print out the pic :)
print it out
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